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If you need to hire a game developer, there are a few things that you should look for.

The first thing is that they have experience in the industry. This is important because it shows that they know what they are doing and can handle the responsibilities of working with a company.

Next, make sure that they have worked on games before. This will give you an idea of how they work and whether or not they will be able to help you out. It also shows them what kind of game development environment you are looking for.

They should also have a portfolio with their past projects so that you can see what their work has looked like before hiring them. The more experience they have, the better!

Game development is a tough business. It’s time consuming, and it takes years to become experienced at making games. Luckily, there are plenty of companies that can help you develop your game idea into a finished product.

Don’t go cheap. You might be able to find a cheap developer on craigslist or oDesk (that’s where I found my current developer), but doing so could result in subpar quality and a lack of commitment from the developer. Instead, look for a developer who has experience working with similar projects and has the ability to deliver on your deadline. Pay attention to their portfolio and ask for references from previous clients.

Don’t hire an agency unless it’s absolutely necessary. Agencies tend to offer very high rates for their services, but they often do not have experience with AAA titles like Mario or Zelda. They will also cost more than hiring an individual developer or outsourcing work through freelancing sites like Freelancer or Upwork (although Upwork does offer some decent rates). If you must hire an agency, make sure they’re familiar with all aspects of game development so that they can properly manage the project from start.

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